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Surprising Science

Surprising Science Logo  

Surprising Science is the science portal of the university of Freiburg and presents current projects for the media and an interested public. Selected press releases and articles from the university publications uni’wissen and uni’leben are extended in cross-media form.

Articles, pictures, graphics, audio and video: if you are a journalist or simply interested in research you will find a variety of information about research topics and researchers.

Media representatives can follow Surprising Science on the Twitter channel of the university’s press office.



Annette Kollefrath-Persch

Phone: 0049 761 203 8909
Fax: 0049 761 203 4278


Medienanfragen richten Sie bitte an:

Manuel Devant

Manuel Devant
Tel.: (+49) 0761 203 98605

Für Expert*innen aus der Uniklinik:

Benjamin Waschow

Benjamin Waschow

Tel.: (+49) 0761 270 19090

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge