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Expert database for journalists

Help finding qualified specialists from the university. Expert service with keyword search.

We are happy to aid journalists in finding suitable specialists from our university to interview on the scientific background of current events.

Our expert database helps journalists to find the right specialist to interview. Organized alphabetically by academic field and last name, the database provides quick and reliable information on where to find an appropriate contact person for a current topic.

If you have a detailed request, please send us an e-mail:

Expert service for journalists


Nationwide Expert Service


University public relations departments are also organized in a  nationwide expert service.



Medienanfragen richten Sie bitte an:

Manuel Devant

Manuel Devant
Tel.: (+49) 0761 203 98605

Für Expert*innen aus der Universitätsklinik:

Johannes Faber

Johannes Faber

Tel.: (+49) 0761 270 84610

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge