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Prof. Dr. Julia O. Linke

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Faculty of Economics and Behavioral Science
Institut für Psychologie
Clinical psychology and psychotherapy of childhood and adolescence
Engelbergerstraße 41, 79106 Freiburg

Phone: +49(0) 761 / 203-9468



Brain development
Keywords: developmental psychopathology, brain networks
Description: The brain undergoes massive changes during childhood and adolescence. During the environment may bend developmental trajectories rendering youth more vulnerable or resilient toward psychiatric disorders
Psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescence
Keywords: anxiety, depression, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
Description: Psychopathology often manifests for the first time during childhood and adolescence. Anxiety, ADHD, ODD and depression are the most common psychiatric disorders in this age group.
Keywords: cognitive behavioral therapy for children and adolescence, modular therapy, single session therapy
Description: Unfortunately, wait times for psychotherapy in childhood and adolescence are long (up to a year). Short interventions that sometimes consist of only one session were shown to have comparable efficacy relative to longer treatments and might be a viable option to improve mental health care for children and adolescence.
Keywords: reactive aggression, temper outburst, tantrum, anger
Description: Irritability, a proneness to react with anger, is common among youth and a common reason for the consultation of mental health professional

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Manuel Devant

Manuel Devant
Tel.: (+49) 0761 203 98605

Für Expert*innen aus der Uniklinik:

Benjamin Waschow

Benjamin Waschow

Tel.: (+49) 0761 270 19090

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