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Prof. Dr. Hartmut Bertz

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Medical Center – University of Freiburg
Center for Medicine
Department of Medicine I (Specialties: Hematology, Oncology, and Stem-Cell Transplantation
Hartmannstrasse 1, 79106 Freiburg

Phone: +49(0) 761 / 270-33350



Nutritional medicine and supportive therapy in oncology
Keywords: Nutrition, metabolic disorder, prevention, nutritional therapy, malnutrition, obesity, intolerances/allergies, nutritional monitoring, food, quality management
Description: The Nutritional Medicine Section deals with normal and diseased metabolism. It advises healthy people on nutrition and advises and treats sick people with nutrition-dependent diseases and diseases with an impact on the nutritional situation. The focal points are: Malnutrition in tumour patients, nutrition in tumour patients, food intolerances/allergies, e.g. lactose-fructose and sorbitol intolerances as well as patients with overweight and the corresponding problems. This is followed by guideline-based counselling and care on an outpatient basis and on the wards of Freiburg University Hospital.

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Tel.: (+49) 0761 270 84610

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